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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Coming soon: Thor! *yeah!* Glad Marvel stayed in the Game!

I'm so going to see Thor when it hits the theater!

This looks like it's gonna be better than Iron Man 2, and definitely better than The Fantastic 4.

I'm so stoked that Marvel is keeping a finger in the Movie-Pie. I worried (Jim & I had an argument about this)that with the hit-and-miss successes they've had with the last bunch of films they'd start bowing out of the game.

Really, and truly glad they're not!!!
*Thor as a character is cool, but I'm waiting for the X-men first Class to get released.*

Friday, February 18, 2011

Lame-O! *yea, a re-boot of thundercats??!*

I guess it had to happen sometime.... all cartoons that end up on the cartoon network must eventually get a shot at a movie! But.... C'mon! Thundercats?!!

Worse than that is that the computer animation looks like it's craptakular, and um, hello instead of Lion-O it needs to be Lame-O. Talk about wimp-itizing *yea I made that word up* a character. Lion-O was kind of cool in that "do the right thing" kind of way. He had a cool ass sword, he was confident and he always ended up kicking Mum-ra's ass.... I can't see this one managing to wipe his own ass let alone kicking ass!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day: I could live without it!

Yea ok, so I'm not doing much tonight. I'm not going to a stupid dance (what's the point, right? These are the same girls as in my classes--dressing them up won't make them cool or sexy.)
 Besides, I have to work closing shift at Happy Booger. Stupid asses.

Anyway, whatever.
If none of the asses are on shift with me tonight I'm gonna try to throw a couple of snickers bars in the deep fat fryer. I hear they eat them in Scotland. Can't afford a ticket there--but hehe--gotta experiment on something, right?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Happy Burger is so not Happy!

Yea so you know I'm working at the Happy Burger (booger) at the corner of Swan & Fifth streets yea?  Talk about a bunch of fucking assholes--Not Mike, but Jerome and Bill are real asswipes. Bill was making the shift rota for the next two weeks and he totally ignored any of my requests about hours. Asshole. And when I said something about it to Jerome, he must have gone and ratted on me coz Bill called me into the office last night while we were doing the closing shift. "disrespectful" blaaaaah blaaaaaaaH BLAH.

Like I fucking care, you know? I'm gonna be out of here in a few months--if I don't screw up. And I don't care about anything else but I am so, so NOT going to screw up! I'm going to enjoy that scholarship, and I don't care what mom says--I'll find someplace else there to get a part time job. I won't be working at any fucking Happy Burger!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Dead Space 2: I want this game!

Yea, I know I don't have the money to spend (freakin taxes coming out of my crappy Happy Burger check) but I want this game!! Anyone got 50 bucks they wanna gimme? Ha ha!
Zombies, fighting, cool freakin graphics!

Yea. Totally dreaming on my part. But who knows? Maybe I can talk Jim into giving me one of his shifts (not that that'd make a difference--like what, another 15 bucks?). Sucks man. Totally sucks...and Mom's on my case about saving up so I can have some money to fall back on when I go to college in the fall.
*yay! College! Girls!!*